
Wine Club Event

Goode Wine School - Season 1 - Skin Contact

28 March 2023


It’s with great excitement that we announce the inaugural season of the Goode Wine School, and what a way to start, focusing on the fascinating world of Island Wines, Modern South Africa, and Skin Contact winemaking.

Come to all 3 tastings this season and save £30 - Click Here

Season 1 – Tasting 03: Skin

The skin of the grape is an essential element in red wine making for providing colour and structure, but did you know it also plays an important part in certain styles of white wines and, of course, orange wine?

Jamie Goode takes us through an in-depth journey of 8 delicious wines, each demonstrating a different level of influence from the skins, starting at lighter whites with a small amount of skin contact, to full blown hedonistic orange wines. 

We will also explore the growing trend for "Infusion" reds, and the pursuit for the purely ethereal.

What is the Goode Wine School?

Once a month, the eminent wine critic and scientist Dr Jamie Goode will be joining us at our Bellenden Rd shop to host an eclectic range of informative tastings, each based on a fascinating subject, region, or intriguing winemaking technique.

You will be learning from the best, guided through 8 unique wines carefully selected from the diverse Sourcing Table wine list. 

Every quarter, a season of 3 monthly classes will be announced, these are £50 each or you can purchase a Season Pass for all three at the reduced price of £120.

8 delicious wines, hosted by one of the wine world’s most celebrated hosts. These evenings are not to be missed.

11th April 2023
7pm - 10pm

The Sourcing Table
184 Bellenden Rd

To be confirmed